5 Fun Science Review Games for Classroom Engagement

As a teacher, finding innovative ways to review crucial concepts with your students can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to complex science topics. Integrating fun classroom review games into your teaching strategy can break the monotony of traditional teaching methods in an interactive and collaborative learning environment.
I want to share with you five science-themed games for your next review sessions. Each game is designed to cater to various aspects of the science curriculum, making difficult topics more accessible and enjoyable for your …

What Does Simmering Water Look Like? A Complete Guide

Simmering is a fundamental cooking technique that falls between a gentle bubbling and a rolling boil. Understanding what does simmering water looks like is crucial for preparing a wide range of dishes and incredibly delicate foods.
Unlike the vigorous activity in boiling water, simmering is a more subdued and controlled cooking method. This technique benefits recipes with slow and gentle heat, such as soups, stews, and sauces. It allows flavors to meld and ingredients to cook thoroughly without the harshness of boiling, which can…

How to Fix Solar Lights

You can fix solar lights by replacing their batteries, cleaning their solar panels, replacing or reconnecting their cables, or replacing their sensors. But before you try fixing your solar lights, you have to figure out why it isn’t working.
Solar lights stop working for various reasons, including dirty solar panels, faulty light sensors, water ingress, and faulty connections. Whatever the case may be, you must detect the cause before trying to make your solar lights work.
10 Common Reasons Why Solar Lights Stop Working and …

Your Guide on Cleaning Solar Lights

With time, the solar lights installed in your home will require maintenance. These maintenance activities include cleaning the lights, replacing corrosive batteries, and restoring the panels to look as good as new. Cleaning your solar lights is very important if you want to keep them functioning optimally. Thankfully, solar systems are low-maintenance, but they still require your little input now and then.
Before diving into the methods mentioned above, you should know what to do before cleaning your solar system.
Pre-Cleaning Tips for your Solar Lights
Ensure you carry out the following before you put your cleaning …

Power Provider in Germany Tests Vertical Agrivoltaic Systems

Standing tall at 3 meters, two Bifacial solar modules are situated in Bavaria, Germany, right beside inveterate solar parks in Gersthofen and Biessenhofen. These two are small vertical agrivoltaic systems with 3 and 6 kW outputs to be tested by a power provider based in Augsburg called Lechwerke (LEW).
Lechwerke aims to obtain experience working with agrivoltaic systems with these pilot projects, a combination of plant production and photovoltaics, which has been brought to light as a synergistic synthesis of food production and renewable energy, then compare its performance with the existing ground-mounted projects.
The data…

How Solar Energy Optics Are Increasing Efficiency

Solar energy optics is a film solution made by the ICS. It results from a thorough industrial study focusing on light guide technology. A commercial solar panel can convert 15 to 20% of light energy, penetrating it into electricity. This is a notable improvement from only 12% a decade ago.
Nevertheless, if solar technology has better efficiency, it can contribute more to preventing climate change and developing the economy, specifically installations on rooftops.
Recently, some the companies such as Oxford PV, Insolight, and ICS have made a considerable improvements in the industry creating new advancements in improving solar…

Understanding Low-Carbon Energy

Low carbon energy means energy that is generated using lower emissions of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gasses that contribute to global warming and climate change. Apart from energy uses, carbon is also emitted by natural causes like volcanic eruptions and forest fires.
The use of low carbon energy is not only more cost-effective, but it is also a good way to reduce our dependency on carbon-emitting energy sources such as coal and fuel, which is proven to be a major factor in climate change.
There are four different types of low carbon energy. Three of these four are renewable energy sources and are…

Working in The Renewable Energy Industry

Having a job in the renewable energy industry isn’t exactly a walk in the park. This not a common 8-hour shift job wherein you just sit in the office all day doing papers. Although some workers do menial tasks, others spend most of their time on the turbines and types of machinery. Those turbines don’t run and maintain themselves.
In a wind power plant, there is not much difference in the purpose and functionality of the turbines. Whether on-site or in the home, area managers  need to be very attentive should there be a concern in the machinery. Technicians and engineers have to be alert at any time and be prepared to …

Renewable Energy and Its Sources

A renewable energy resource is technically sustainable energy. Alternative energy is an energy source that has an indefinite amount of energy source that does not run out, unlike the non-sustainable sources like coal.
On the other hand, low-energy or zero-carbon energy is nuclear generated energy that is not renewable. It emits zero or low levels of CO2 and is not dependant on the weather.
The most common and widely developed renewable energy sources are solar energy, tidal energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydro energy, and biomass energy. Apart from being sustainable, these energy resources emit little to no carbon, …

How Pickling Can Lock Carbon in Oxygen-Free Ocean Depths

Did you know that there are parts of the ocean contain little to no oxygen? Due to this, there are no plants or aquatic animals that can live there. However, this type of environment is preferable to some microbes, and those are one of the places wherein they strive.
Because of climate change, these unique ecosystems continue to expand and strive. This is something that concerns fisheries and other locations that are dependent on seas rich in oxygen for livelihood and other aquatic activities.
But what piques the interest of a noted biogeochemist, Morgan Raven, is the continuous change of the chemicals in the sea and how it …